When my children open their mouth I never know what will come spilling out - but what ever it is that comes out it is honest, it is the thought on their mind, it is without reservation or social restraint. Sometimes I brace myself and sometimes I am caught off guard. At times the most magnificent truths of who God is spill out of those tiny mouths straight from a heart that just takes God for who he truly is.
However, this was not the case yesterday.
I went with my four children to pick out new glasses for y new prescription. There was not a large selection, and being distracted by four darting children picking up frames in four different directions. It also doesn't help that I am legally blind without my glasses and already at an unfair advantage. I mean when they say, "look in the mirror and tell me what you think", I am standing there wondering if they could please remove the obstacle of the shelf so that I can get nose to nose with the mirror so I might I actually SEE my reflection in the mirror.
So needless to say, I fell on the mercy of the person helping me. I was truly hoping that her opinion would be good and that I would walk out with a new pair of classy, stylish, young looking glasses. I don't think she fully appreciated the disadvantage I truly was at - or else she got some kind of enjoyment out of making me look like a mousy woman.
At home a put my new glasses on and went to look in the mirror - different was all I could think. I was wishing that the new prescription didn't make the image so crisp and clear.
I stepped out and my oldest son - who loves me dearly and tells me often I am beautiful - greeted me with a comment I was not prepared for.
"Mom, you look like that girl - you know mom the one with the short brown hair and turtle-neck - you know mom, what is her name."
I'm thinking "What girl!"
"You know mom, Scooby-Doo's friend - that one that wears the skirt and orange shirt, that finds all the clues - AHHHHH!! mom, what's her name?! - - - Oh, I know!
Velma - you look just like Velma!"
Great! My life's aspiration come true! I now look like Velma! Not Daphne, VELMA!
Later when Brent came home Chase wanted him and I to model our new glasses.
His reaction shows you what becoming an adult means - we are forever held in restraint by social protocol.
Raised eyebrow, silent as the socially appropriate reaction is formed, then, "They're different, a different style....I mean they're nice - (then hesitantly) So, do you like them?"
Have to laugh - thank you God for these moments of time!!! At least some humor was brought in.
Thank you God for family!
Did you have these Wednesday? I'm sure you are a cute Velma, hey she was the smart one so that's a plus right?